There is no better time to evaluate your business than now. Having started on a journey, we often think our future business path will just work because we have a good set of goals and a business plan. But no one can prepare us for the real journey in business, one in which so much remains outside of our control. Success doesn't just happen, it is built on consistency, hard work, and the ability to navigate obstacles. Have the goals for your business changed? Or does your approach need to shift?
As business owners and entrepreneurs, we have a vision and purpose that drive us. However, as the past year has shown, our environments do change. In the promotional marketing industry, we feel the shift in culture acutely. Let’s face it, when the top promo seller, pens, drops from 1st place to the bottom of the top ten, and it’s replaced with PPE products, our driving message and reach has shifted. And that’s the same for you!
No matter what your goals are for your business, staying flexible in your approach allows you to continue to grow in lean times. Has your business moved from a “knock on the door” approach to a digital marketing platform? Are you asking for that google review? Do you show support by stocking Personal Protection Equipment in your facilities, or have you adopted a “work from home” strategy?
Video conferencing have opened our work to a whole new world of connections.
And moving from a logoed cap to a logoed mask, means you’re concerned about your people. It also allows the opportunity to shout your message in a more prominent location (i.e. YOUR CHEEK!).
The venue for your message may change. Being open to the opportunity to allow your business choices to show a new means of expression means you’re on the cutting edge of the industry.
Infrastructure may change. Roles may change. Built into any good business is a fluidity that allows the foundation of your purpose to thrive. Let’s make it happen!